Kingdom Growth: Growth for the Church (Parables) | Practical Outreach (Evangelism)
by Worldwide Discipleship Association
Jesus teaches about the principles of growth of His Kingdom and of the church by telling His disciples parables. Parables make a comparison between something that is familiar and something that is not familiar to help the listener or reader better understand the unfamiliar.
In the lessons on Practical Outreach, Jesus teaches about the kind of outreach His disciples will need to do to grow the church. He gives them strategies, warnings and encouragement.
This two volume work features Pocket Principles® and Guided Discussions suitable for use in small groups and mentoring relationships. Above all, Kingdom Growth is part a series of workbooks for developing new leaders. For more information visit disciplebuilding.org and read Disciple Building: A Biblical Framework.
Parables of the Kingdom:
#1 Understanding Parables
#2 The Progressive Coming Of The Kingdom Of God
#3 The Growth Of The Kingdom
#4 Additional Kingdom Truths Practical Outreach
#5 Strategies For Evangelism
#6 Warnings Of Persecution
#7 Words Of Encouragement