Cornerstone Academy
Cornerstone Academy, a curriculum series designed for individuals or small groups, helps new believers become grounded in the faith and lays the necessary foundations for ongoing growth to maturity. It also reinforces growth and fosters renewal in more mature Christians.
The Cornerstone Academy features workbooks: Getting Started (Phase I), Knowing God, Understanding People, and Growing Spiritually (Phase II), and Bible Readings for Devotional Use.
The suggested order to study this series is:
(Phase I)
1) Getting Started
(Phase II)
2) Knowing God
3) Understanding People
4) Growing Spiritually
More details about the 5 Phases can be found here.
Questions? Contact cornerstone@disciplebuilding.org
Getting Started
Getting Started provides the essential topics for a new Christian to establish faith, like assurance of salvation, Baptism, The Holy Spirit, Prayer, Bible, Fellowship and Spiritual Growth.
Knowing God
In Knowing God, a new believer to begin getting to know God by spending time with Him, reviewing key concepts about Him and learning about God’s attributes and character.
Understanding People
Understanding People focuses on what it means to be made in God’s image, how God is restoring believers and about the role of needs and emotions in the Christian growth process.