Patty Hughes
WDA Restoring Your Heart en Español
Hampton GA, U.S.

I am honored to say I was born and raised in Lima, Peru. Due to the upheaval in our country and the opportunities afforded to us by my father, our family emigrated to the United States in 1989. It was only after a year, by divine circumstances, that I met Jesus and surrendered my life to Him. Since then, I have tried to live my life according to the Scriptures, praying and serving and even working for many years in the local church. Again, through divine appointment and circumstances, God began growing my faith by showing me the need I had to find inner peace. As a volunteer staffer for WDA, I went through my first Processing Pain class in 2018. I was able to realize that even though I grew up in a loving family, there was a lot of unprocessed pain still in me from my childhood. Thank to this class, my eyes were opened to what inner healing really meant.
Through the many avenues of our faith walk, emotional healing had always been something that had drawn me, so when I actually found it, something inside of me screamed, this is what you have been looking for all these years! It was then, when God confirmed what He had put in my heart, to bring RYH en Español to the Spanish speaking people around the world. I truly had found my calling! In 2021 we started translating the workbooks, first How Emotional Problems Develop, then Processing Pain, and now we are about to finish Understanding Emotions.
In just one year from our launch, RYH en Español has reached Ecuador, Chile, Mexico, Honduras, and Miami. Many hearts have been healed and many lives have known the true freedom that comes when we choose to heal and forgive. It is my honor to serve in this manner.
Patty and her husand Todd are empty nesters, and they live in Hampton, GA.
RYH en Español is a Ministry of WDA. If you have a heart for Spanish speakers and want to help us with this ministry or want to offer these RYH group experiences in your Spanish-speaking church, community, or ministry, please email Patty at