Dates: January 18-28, 2024
Location: Vellore & Shillong, India
Trip Emphasis: Developing Mature Leaders (Phase 5a), launching Leadership Institute groups,
encouraging existing staff, recruiting new staff for WDA India.
Background: WDA India started in 2018 and has grown under the leadership of Emanuvel Dass. Emanuvel leads 1-year online WDA Leadership Institute cohorts and Restoring Your Heart groups along with our other WDA staff member, Bharathi Shivappa. Emmanuvel has collectively graduated 75 students from around South Asia. Our goal is to encourage Emanuvel and Bharathi, disciple their mature leaders using WDA’s Phase 5 (Developing Mature Leaders) curriculum, and challenge their leaders to begin new Leadership Institute Groups. We will also visit Shillong, northeast India, to encourage phase 3 ministry trainees, conduct a Disciple Building seminar for Christian leaders, and visit Shillong’s famous waterfalls.

Team Members:

Prayer Requests:
- Safe travels
- Good health for the team
- A smooth visa process
- Team unity
- For people to connect powerfully with God during our time together