Posted on May 23, 2022 by Jordan Stafford

Margaret Garner Spring Newsletter | Spring 2022
“Dear Friends,
Recently I was looking at our WDA 2021 Annual Report. I thought “wow there is a lot going on.” My next thought was, “I need to tell you ( friends and supporters) all about it.” But, there is too much to tell. I need to start with a single topic.” WDA is making a “disciple building” impact in so many areas. Rejoice with me!
Let me introduce you to Morgan Padgett, age 35:
Morgan was raised in the church, and made a profession of his faith in Christ as a boy. But as he grew up he was insecure and believed Satan’s lies that told him,” You’re different. You don’t fit in.” Listening to these lies, at the age of 13 Morgan began using drugs, trying to become one of the “cool” kids. Drug usage led to drug dealing, which became a life of crime, and then prison. I’m going to let Morgan tell the rest of his story.
“The last time I went to prison, something changed. I was tired. I was broken. My bunkmate began talking about God and Jesus, and I began reading the book of John. Sitting right there is Jackson State Prison, I rededicated my life to Jesus.”
After a year-long prison sentence, I began searching for a place to go where I wouldn’t be subjected to the things I had been before. I decided to go to A Better Way Ministries (ABW) an 18-month discipleship program for men with life-controlling issues (drugs, alcohol, etc.) whose mission is to disciple men for the Kingdom of God. The perfect place for a man like me who was looking for “a better way”!
Part of my journey through ABW included a men’s Restoring Your Heart (RYH) group offered by WDA. The group helped me (and other men) learn how to safely process the pain and trauma from the past. What I really liked about RYH was that everyone in our group had some sort of pain that they needed to work through, and we were helping each
other by honestly sharing our deepest hurts. It takes true courage to be vulnerable to let others in. The lessons helped us unlock the trauma and be free! As I’ve learned how to think, feel, and act more like Jesus, it’s made me want to devote
my life to discipling other men. Once imprisoned, now impassioned to set people free!
In January 2022, I joined WDA’s Disciple Builder Internship program to continue maturing and become fully equipped as a disciple maker. Since coming on board with WDA I have received a fresh wind of energy, confirming that I am on the path that God has for my life.”
It brings me joy to see Morgan’s commitment to the Lord and to building disciples for His Kingdom. I’m so grateful that God allows me to be a part of an organization that is committed to helping people begin to think, feel and act like Jesus. And grateful to you for being partners with me in ministry!Gratefully and joyfully,
Margaret Garner