Greetings in the blessed name of our Lord. Sincere hope and prayer that God, our Father, continue guiding and guarding you well as you continue serving Him. We are confident that God who began a good work of supporting us in His work will give you joy and fulfillment. Indeed your service of support that you continue performing is not only supplying the needs of our families and ministry but also overflowing in many thanks to God. your gifts of support are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.
Thanks for your support. And may God meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (2 Corinthians 9:12; Philippians 4:18-19).
Our utility vehicle which developed mechanical got repaired through the gifts you sent us. The mechanic at the garage worked on it very well. We did the road test and it was doing well.

One of our breakthrough in our last trip to Serenje was an invitation to teach at the pastor’s college. It was a joy to be part of the pastor’s training. I was invited to teach three courses: Evangelism, Discipleship and Missions. Evangelism is part of our ministry project we do in WDA Zambia, and discipleship is also our main thrust in WDA Zambia. Missions is a course in which I obtained my Master of Arts Degree in Missions. Humanly speaking, I flowed and persuasively taught these courses; creatively, convincingly and with untold authority. All the time I was teaching the college principal watched me with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement. He could not withdraw his brightened eyes from the students who tried to grasp and note down every point of my teaching. But the truth of the matter is that all this was made possible because of two people God is using: you, the senders-you send us through your support. Us, the goers, we go in obedience to the Great Commission command. This done so that you and us can both rejoice in God’s work. Again, again, thanks for your gifts and prayers.

Benson teaching pastors at the pastor’s college in Serenje.
The results of this exercise and experience is that the school has adopted these three courses and included in their curriculum, and we are to participate in training pastors every time the college opens. The students come from different towns of Zambia where they are pastoring churches of different denominations. I tried to find out, each pastor has a minimum of 120 members.
Our prayer is that they adopt also our Restoring Your Heart course which we want to promote to the principal.
The second main purpose of traveling to Serenje was to hold a national team leader’s meeting. We missed two leaders and only managed to meet four of us: Benson, Emmanuel, Henry and Fred. In our meeting, we looked at three main items:
3.1. Review of the work done so far where we have reached about seven (7) provinces in Zambia out of ten (10) provinces of Zambia. In these seven province we have established disciple making centers and appointed center leaders. Mark in Luapula province, Emmanuel in Copperbelt province, Fred in Central Province, Lucy in Eastern province, Patrick in northern province, Kasambo in Lusaka province, and Mwami in Muchinga province.
3.2. Analysis of center leaders as our extended larger team.
With the insight from Nate, our international coordinator, we looked at the possibly of holding center leader’s conference this year, 2022, in august this year. This has excited us and we are looking forward to this meeting: receiving reports, time of prayer and further training of our center leaders. Some of our center leaders are associate leaders in WDA international like: Fred, and Emmanuel.
3.3. New province of out reach in 2022.
we have picked Northwestern province as our focus this year. We have to spend two years in this province: surveying, organizing leaders, teaching and training leaders in phase 1V, and launching a movement with a challenge to reproduce.
3.4. Launching Restoring Your Heart training in Mibanse region of central province. We have to go in April for this training.

The Executive committee leader’s meeting in Serenje. In attendance were: Emmanuel, Fred, Benson, and Henry.
We thank God for your financial support which helped us to travel to Serenje, come together and hold the leader’s meeting.
4.1. Thank God with us for this pastor’s college adopting our courses in evangelism, disciple making, and missions. We thank god that they have put it in their curriculum. Pray for the pastor’s college that they accept our RYH program. This will help pastors greatly in their local churches where they are doing pastoral work.
4.2. Pray for our WDA Zambian team as they reach one more new province this year, 2022. We need to implement what has been stated in leader’s meeting no. 3.3. above (reaching out to a new province. We are excited as the Lord enables us to do disciple making intentionally, launch and create movements, and carry out evangelism projects. We will need $1000 for this work.
4.3. Pray for our center leader’s conference this year in August as stated in leader’s meeting above no. 3.2. We will need to raise $1200 for this first and important meeting.
We are ever grateful to you our prayer partners and sponsors. With your support we have been able to do what we could not do with out you. We thank God who at his proper time brought you into our lives so that his work could be accomplished.
Benson Chembe
On behalf of WDA Zambia
Disciple making missionary
Training people to think, feel and act like Jesus