WDA’s Ministries
Video Testimonies
WDA Disciple Builders – Testimonies | WDA US
Restoring Your Heart Testimonies | WDA US
WDA Leadership Institute Testimonies | Multi-Country
Testimony from Pastor Novel Pulanco | WDA Philippines
Restoring Your Heart Conference Testimonies | WDA Ghana
Testimonies from Open Door Baptist Church | WDA Philippines
Impacting Lives in the U.S. & Internationally

“WDA can help a church develop their disciple-building environment, from big picture to small details. They’ve really nailed a comprehensive disciple-building methodology derived from Scripture.”
– Todd Briggs | Pastor of Midtown Church
📍 United States

“I learned a lot through this training. The RCAPS grid and Needs-Goals-Projects worksheet were completely new to me, but I was able to learn so much and put to practice what I learned.”
– Emanuvel Dass | WDA Missionary
📍 International

“I’ve learned that I’m not alone in my journey. There are many women of various cultural backgrounds that I now call my sisters who I can be vulnerable with and walk through life’s journey as I struggle toward God through the ups and downs, highs and lows, and triumphs and disappointments of this life.
I am a work in progress. But progress is key, I’m not stuck. I’m a better friend, a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter and I like myself.”
– Martina Griffin | RYH Ambassador
📍 United States

“Restoring Your Heart, for me, was one of the catalysts that “bridged the gaps” in my discipleship process.
I have learned how to fully feel, fully grieve, and fully receive and give the love of Christ.
Today I walk with other men [through RYH]. I’m sharing the comfort I have received from the “God of all comfort.”
I am free for freedom’s sake! Because of the impact of these groups, I will never be the same.”
– Mike Lauden | RYH Group Leader
📍 United States
“I used the WDA materials [in church planting], and the response was beyond our expectation for such a short period of time. The pastor there has continued to use the materials and his church is growing spiritually and, as a result of that, is growing numerically also.“
– International Pastor
“For the first time I have understood that discipleship is not about the content you teach, but discipleship is about loving the people under your care, accepting them for who they are and journeying with them no matter how bumpy the road of life might be.”
– Aliza D.
“Following the [WDA] training, we formed our discipleship team, and our people implemented all that we have learned from WDA and the results were tremendous.”
– Pastor Joe Ascalontional Pastor | Ikthus Church | Bacolod | Philippines
Browse More WDA Videos
Disciple Building in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | WDA Congo
Testimony about Restoring Your Heart in Brazil | WDA Brazil
Interviews with Zambian Leaders | WDA Zambia
Testimony from Pastor Lourdman Cabuenos | WDA Philippines
Training Christian Leaders in Tanzania | WDA Tanzania
Meet Brandon, After Restoring Your Heart | WDA U.S.
Meet WDA’s Restoring Your Heart Ministry
What Does “Disciple Building” Mean? | WDA’s Philosophy of Discipleship
Learn More About WDA’s Curriculum