Jen McClin
WDA Director of Operations
WDA Headquarters, Atlanta, U.S.

Since 2017, I have been honored to serve with WDA. As WDA’s Director of Operations, I help oversee HQ operations and work closely with WDA’s ministry directors to successfully develop, implement, and evaluate projects and programs that will effectively equip and resource disciple-makers worldwide.
What an honor to have a hand in ministering with the Body of Christ through an organization that seeks to make disciple-makers around the world!
As a child I considered myself a “fake MK” since my missionary family was stationed in the U.S. while my father served as the U.S. Director of Africa Inland Mission for two and half decades. Because of the unique “inside view” I had of my dad leading a missions organization (able to witness his amazing spirit of humility and tireless work ethic!), I felt pretty convinced at a young age that I could not bear the same responsibility of leadership or ministry work. Of course, the Lord had different ideas about me, and as I grew in my faith, gifts, and calling, started to understand the importance of availability and obedience to Christ and the sheer NEED for discipleship, God continued to guide me down a pathway toward ministry leadership.
Under the grace and tutelage of WDA’s executive leaders, I continue to grow in my abilities, and work with the most amazing people who pour themselves out with humility to serve our WDA staff members and those we train, equip, and minister to around the world. WDA has developed such a healthy familial work environment that has afforded myself and many of our staff members the opportunity to heal, to grow, and to find a healthy work/life balance that is honoring to both ourselves and to God. I am so blessed!
In addition to my official role at WDA, I disciple other women as a Restoring Your Heart group facilitator. There is nothing more rewarding than to witness women (or men) experiencing breakthrough from areas of hurt, loss, or guilt that has kept them in bondage for years and hijacked their relationships and faith.
I am very passionate about walking alongside the hurting and pointing them to Jesus, doing spiritual battle in the heavenlies through prayer, and worshiping God with everything that I am. I am loved and supported by my amazing husband, Shaun, and daughters, Gabby and Lola. They make life so fun. 😊 Several years back, when Jesus really solidified my identity in Him, He gave me a new name – “worshipbird”. This sums up that my very existence is to bring Him praise, to rely on His perfect care and provision, and to sing new songs to Him that others might hear and praise Him too.
Thank you for your prayers for me and for WDA. They mean so much.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
John 10:10
Jen would love prayer for:
- grace & favor to serve God & WDA well
- provision for her family’s needs
- protection from the evil one
- continued personal growth
- a thriving marriage for her & Shaun