Support Global Discipleship
Your tax-deductible donation goes toward the movement to make 1 Million disciples who disciple. Give securely via e-check, credit or debit card.
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Partner with WDA Staff & Missionaries
Search for a specific staff member by name and invest in their personal ministry efforts on their unique mission field.
Support a Specific Ministry or Project
Search for specific WDA ministries (i.e. Restoring Your Heart) or projects (i.e. Million for a Million)
Frequently Asked Questions
1) How can I mail a check?
Mail checks (and make payable to): Worldwide Discipleship Association, Inc., P.O. Box 142437, Fayetteville, GA 30214. In order to ensure your donation is processed for ministries and staff please include the following form with your check.:(Download Form). When you make a gift by check, you will receive a receipt by mail.
2) How can I gift non-cash assets to WDA?
Click here for instructions for Giving Stock and Mutual Funds.
3) How can I donate a used vehicle to WDA?
Click here for instructions for gifting a vehicle (includes cars, trucks, RVs). Please note that we will need your: phone number, VIN number, title number to begin processing your donation.
4) Are gifts to WDA tax deductible?
All gifts to WDA are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law. When you choose to give to WDA online you will receive a receipt to your email. Please keep it for your records. WDA EIN (Tax-ID Number) is: 58-1211155. Click here for the WDA Donor Policy.
5) How can I get help with my donation?
You can contact us with questions about donations at gifts@disciplebuilding, or call our office at 770-460-1337 during business hours.

WDA has been a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability since joining in 1982.
WDA has been a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability since joining in 1982.
ECFA is an accreditation agency dedicated to helping Christian ministries earn the public’s trust through adherence to seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship.