Transforming Lives by making disciples who think feel & act like Jesus!
Our experience shows that the staff and leaders of most local churches have a strong, sincere desire to shepherd and guide their parishioners to maturity. Unfortunately, few leaders have been equipped to ” present people mature in Christ.” WDA helps to address this deficiency through our 2820® Project. We come alongside church disciple builders, providing perspective, support, training, and resources. WDA offers various practical programs that help church staff “meet people where they are and help them take the next step.” These programs can be implemented within most existing church paradigms.
WDA Provides Training and Resources for Churches who wish to build a Disciple Building Culture. Our Team comprises WDA staff and Church Leaders with the experience to help you and your leaders develop a discipleship solution that fits your particular need.
Disciple building is a biblical imperative, a primary task for the Church (see Matthew 28:19-20).
It is the process by which mature believers, in cooperation with God’s Spirit, assist younger believers as they progress toward Christlike maturity, intimacy with God, and good works. The goal of disciple-building is maturity that glorifies God.
“We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete (mature) in Christ.” (Colossians 1:28)
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all peoples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matt. 28:19-20)
Extensive research, coupled with decades of disciple-building experience, has enabled WDA to help modern disciple-builders design and implement a culture of discipleship based on the pattern Jesus used in Scripture to build the Church.
More than just a program, Christ’s approach to becoming a Disciple Building Church is about:
- Life-on-life discipleship
- Equipping the saints for ministry and discipleship
- Breaking down strongholds that prohibit growth
- Teaching people to obey everything Christ has commanded (see Matt. 28:20)
- Building disciples who build disciples
- Cultivating a healthy, safe, and mature environment where growth never stops taking place

First, Stop and Consider our Approach

If you want your church to become a Disciple Building Church, we highly recommend reading Disciple Building: A Biblical Framework by Bob Dukes.

You and your leaders can begin small groups using our guided discussions!
While leading groups, give your leaders the training and encouragement to grow!
If you are starting one group or developing a ministry, WDA can help you begin today.

Our Team

Buddy Eades
Church Ministry Director
Buddy can work with church leaders, bringing experience from campus and church ministry.

Sean Hall
Life Coach, Mentoring Specialist
Sean has joined our WDA staff and offers a lifetime of one-to-one discipleship. Reach out to Sean to learn how Life Coaching can be a part of your discipleship tool belt!

Tony Rutledge
Restoring Your Heart Coordinator
Tony brings his experience with Restoring Your Heart to Church and ministry leaders.

Dave Johnson
Campus Ministry Coach
Dave brings experienced leadership to help develop strategies for Church planting and reaching the Next Generation.
Contact us today for more information!
While you can start right away, we are available to answer any questions.